Order Automation

The cost of this is $200/month.  To activate this feature just email PSS Support and make the request.

The PSS orders module has the ability to place orders directly with the distributors.  You will still need to acknowledge the order in PSS and confirm that you want to place the order for drop ship, but it removes the need to place the order directly within the distributor.  Additionally, PSS will automatically pull in the tracking information from the distributor and upload it to the marketplaces.

Distributors available: Western Powersports, Tucker Rocky, Parts Unlimited, Automatic.

Step 1 - Configure Order Automation Settings

You will need to contact each distributor that you wish to set up with and request credentials to use their automation service.

Parts Unlimited

  • Dealer Number
  • API Key

Tucker Rocky

  • Customer Number
  • API Key
  • Your Tucker Rocky account must be configured with a credit card before items may be successfully submitted and drop-shipped.

Western Powersports

  • API Token
  • Your WPS account must be configured with a Tax ID before items may be drop-shipped.


  • API Token

Step 2 - Place Orders

The one key to remember is that for this feature to function, your settings and inventory rules must be configured in a way that supports drop-shipping.  You must have warehouses and products configured so that they support a 1 day lead time.  Anything with a lead time greater than 1 is considered non-dropshipable.

  1. Proceed to the PSS orders module and click "View" on an order that qualifies for drop-ship.
  2. Review the order and scroll down to the Order Items area at the bottom of the page.  Click the blue Dropship button.

3.Confirm the order information and complete the dropship.

Step 3 - Track Purchase Orders

The purchase orders are automatically created in PSS for each new drop-ship order.  You can track all of your dropshipped purchase orders from the Purchase Orders Page.  PSS Orders > Purchase Orders

Here you can search by a purchase order number, PSS order id, distributor, or shipped status.  Additionally, you can click "View" on the right-hand side of an order line item and get tracking information.

Order Details View w/ tracking

Tracking is automatically pulled from the distributors and pushed to the marketplaces!

PSS Inventory functions as it always has.  The same rules apply.  We pull FTP price/inventory files every morning.  It takes 8-12 hours for marketplace listings to be updated.  During this time period, there can definitely be instances where something has gone out of stock.  Order automation does NOT cure or bypass this.  We do not pull real-time inventory prior to placing the dropship order so you may want to consider double-checking that the distributor has stock before pushing the button.

Feature Note - SKU Swapping

In the event that more than one distributor carries a dropshipable product, PSS will give you the ability to switch SKUs and ultimately fulfill from the other distributor via order automation.


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