How to Report a Catalog Data Issue

Powersports Support spends a ton of resources getting truncated distributor data into a uniform and usable format.  We wish that all of the data provided in PSS was 100% accurate however, that is just not possible given the space that we are in.  

We take catalog data accuracy very seriously and want to make sure that you, your staff, and your buyers have the best eCommerce experience possible.  Powersports Support has spent years refining its processes and look-up protocols.

With the disclaimer above out in the open, the question on your mind is probably "What happens if we come across bad data?".  
Let's be clear here, this will happen to everyone at some point.  A product will be mismatched, a bullet point on a description will be wrong, or an image will be incorrect; it is just all part of the industry and the process of getting massive amounts of data "eCommerce ready".  
Powersports Support has two key things going for it in regards to data accuracy:
1. A dedicated Catalog Team that takes incredible pride in the aggregation of hundreds of thousands of unique manufacturer part numbers
2. You the Powersports professional!  With hundreds of PSS users interacting with the catalog and reporting issues we have the ability to locate issues quickly and resolve them through our robust backend catalog management interface.  Crowdsourced data refinement is one of our biggest advantages over the competition.
What should I do when I come across an issue with the data?
We want you to Report the Catalog Data Issue so that we can get eyes on it right away.  While the product is in a review status it will get 0 inventory on the marketplaces in order to prevent selling.
From the catalog simply highlight the row and click the "Report Catalog Issue" button.  Click one row or many rows.

Add a detailed note on what is wrong with the product.  We will email you once the review is complete. If we amend a piece of the data it may take a few days to correctly display in the catalog due to weekly indexing.

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